14 Dec 2011

10 Useful Code Tricks for Business or beautiful Facebook Fan pages

1. Embedding YouTube Videos
When you click the embed button below the video in YouTube, It will give you the embed code to put that video easily on your website or might be using some free plugin to easily embed youtube videos on wordpress blogs.
But in case of embedding YouTube video on Facebook page, the default embed HTML code doesn’t works. The video on Facebook can be only embedded using the lash. Copy-Paste the code below into the FBML box of your page to embed the video. Remember to replace VIDEO_ID with the YouTube Video ID before you save.
<fb:swf swfsrc=”http://www.youtube.com/v/VIDEO_ID” imgsrc=”http://img.youtube.com/vi/VIDEO_ID/default.jpg” width=”480″ height=”360″ />
2. Separate contents for Fans and non-fans
Showing Separate contents for the Facebook Page fans and non fans can also help you gain more fans for your page. You can use the FMBL below and show separate content for the fans and non-fans.
<fb:fbml version=”1.1″>
<fb:visible-to-connection>This part is visible for fans only!
<fb:else>This part is visible for non-fans</fb:else>
3. Invite to Friends box
Adding an Invite to Friend box below the main Content of your welcome Tab will also help you increase the fans of your page as it makes your fans easier to invite their friends on Facebook. Use the following code in FBML box to insert the Invite box in your page.
<fb:request-form method=”post” type=”[your organization]” invite=”true” content=”Check out [your organization]<fb:req-choice url=’http://www.facebook.com/YOURPAGE’ ‘ label=’GO’ /> “>
<fb:multi-friend-selector actiontext=”Tell your friends about [your organization]” rows=”3″ showborder=”true” />
4. Adding a Comment Box
Adding a comment Box on your Facebook page or adding it below any featured product on your page makes your readers easy to comment on the specified product easily. You can use the following code in the Fbml box to insert it in your page.
You can also take our old reference post for adding Comment box on Facebook page with tutorial.
<fb:comments xid=”YOUR_PRODUCT_UNIQUE_ID” canpost=”true” showform=”true” candelete=”false” numposts=”3″ returnurl=”http://YOUR_PRODUCT_HOME_URL”>
5. Adding podcasts and MP3 Audios
Like YouTube videos you can also embed podcasts or any Mp3 Audio on your Fan page using the Fbml. You have to provide the direct link to the mp3 audio file or Podcast in the Fbml. Facebook will wrap them in their own player and make your fans listen to it easily.
<fb:mp3 src=”http://example.com/podcast.mp3″ title=”Our new Song” artist=”This Week in Facebook” />
6. Adding pop-up Dialog Box
The Pop-up dialog box is used to give the short description of the link with on a Popup dialog box whenever a user clicks a specified link in your fan page.
For instance,You have used pop-up box for the ‘About’ Link on your page then it will show the popup box as above when your fan click on the link and the ‘learn more’ link can be even redirected to your About page.
<fb:dialog id=”dialog” cancel_button=1>
<fb:dialog-title>About Us</fb:dialog-title>
<fb:dialog-content>Bloganol is a Blog About Tech, Social Media, Opensource and more.
Would you like to learn more?</fb:dialog-content>
<fb:dialog-button type=”button” value=”Yes” href=”http://www.bloganol.com/about” />
<a href=”#” clicktoshowdialog=”dialog”>Click here</a> to learn more.
7. Adding Polls to the Page
Previously in our blog we have already published a post about Ultimate Tricks and applications to make your facebook page a masterpiece. On that post adding a poll on a Facebook Page was also included but it was using the direct Facebook application.
In this page we are talking about inserting Polldaddy polls on your fan page in a Tab using the Fbml. Copy-Paste the following Fbml to insert polldaddy polls on your Facebook fan page. Remember to replace POLL_ID with your Poll id from Polldaddy before you save.
<fb:swf swfsrc=’http://i.polldaddy.com/poll.swf?p=POLL_ID’ width=’250′ height=’500′ imgsrc=”poll-thumbnail.jpg” />
8. Inserting Flash Content
Inserting Flash Content on your Facebook page is also like inserting YouTube video in your Page. Use the Fbml to insert Flash content n your page. Use the Flash file URL in the swfsrc and use the image URL onimgsrc as the source of the image that is being displayed, before your flash.
<fb:swf swfbgcolor=”000000″ swfsrc=’http://domain.com/file.swf’ imgsrc=’http://domain.com/picture.jpg’ width=’760′ height=’920′ />
9. Adding a Chat Room
Adding a chat room on your Fan page enables you to chat with your Fans when they are on your page. Firsth thing yopu need is to create a Flash based chat widget for your Facebook page using MeeboMe and then embed that Chat widget on your Facebook Fbml box usng the code below.

Remember to replace CHAT_ID with your widget chat Id provided by Meeome before you save the code.
<fb:swf swfsrc=’http://widget.meebo.com/mm.swf?CHAT_ID’ width=’515′ height=’425′ imgsrc=”chat-thumbnail.jpg” />
10. Adding a share button
A share button on your Facebook page lets your fan to share the provided link on their Facebook profile easily. You can use the following code on Fbml Box of your Page to insert the ‘Share’ button on your fan page.
<fb:share-button class=”meta”>
<link rel=”target_url” href=”http://yoururl.com”/>


PTA sim checker

Pakistan Telecommunication Authority

Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has developed a SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) information and Verification system to address associated risks on security and to ensure subscription regulations in cellular sector. The objective of the project is to provide a consumer-based facility to mobile subscribers in Pakistan by which they would be able to find out the total number of SIM(s) registered against their respective CNIC number with each mobile operator.
Overseas SIM Information System - 668 (Click here)
Find Out how many SIMs are Using on Your NIC Card? (e.g: 6110160645683)